Organization issues

New fees per 1st of March 2023
We updated the charges for using CCI equipment due to a change in the financial re-organisation to maintain the facility. In the coming weeks, active users will recieve a mail with the tarifs that apply as of the 1st of March 2023. The updated pricing is also listed at the CCI site in Organization issues.
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Please fill in the survey you were sent by us.
We want to know your experience at the CCI and would like to know what you need in the future to do imaging at the FVM. Please help us by filling in the survey you have been sent via the mail.
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DEMO Microscopes from 17th-22nd of May
We are testing different microscopes to replace the Leica SPE2 “workhorse” that is having frequent technical failures and is heavily overbooked nowadays. Our aim is to increase the imaging capacity at the CCI by improving the workflow to do your imaging. We sent a mail with a request to give us samples you would like…
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Leica SPE2 40x HCX oil objective defect
The 40x oil on the Leica SPE-II CLSM showed severe chromatic aberration in Z for UV fluorescence. The objective is removed from the system and its aberration is being validated on another Leica machine in the UU campus. We probably need to repair or replace it. Our objectives are very costly and vulnerable, please handle…
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Walking directions during reboot of the CCI labs
Working on the Leica SPE2: Entry: General entrance AG East 1 st floor, direct right turn to access the Confocal room O.161, knock before entry and apply to the hygiene rules that are supplied. A second person can be present in the room yet distance of 1.5 m should be kept at all times. Exit:…
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Centre for Cell Imaging safety instructions during the restart in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis
The CCI is re-opening for microscopy from the 19th of May 2020. We hope everybody is safe at home trying to get a work routine partly at home and for essential work in the lab. Great initiatives to learn microscopy related (and unrelated) courses are collected here ( and on ibiology or MOOCs, this may…
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Centre for Cell Imaging safety instructions during the SARS-CoV-2 crisis
The CCI is closed for all purposes with exception for people that need to finish essential experiments and the work performed on corona at the virology subdepartment. We are one week in this setting now and hope everybody is safe at home trying to get a workroutine. Great initiatives to learn microscopy related (and unrelated)…
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Update NIKON A1R upcoming
We are grateful to the Veterinary Faculty Utrecht to support an upgrade for the NIKON A1R system. Many users will benefit from this upgrade since it will vastly improve confocal imaging speeds. The upgrade will be performed around the last week of May 2019.
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Soledad appointed, Cryostate moved and supported by Judith in NG O.53
Soledad Ordoñez-Alvarez has been appointed for 2 days a week as a new staff member of the CCI. She specializes in instructing new users and adds expertise in image analyses to the CCI. Unfortunately, Rob Bleumink had to retire. Since we miss his expertise in cryosectioning (as for countless other issues), we moved the cryostate…
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BioImaging Winter meeting and Imaris Workshop
BioImaging Utrecht will have a winter meeting on Wednesday 21st of February from 10:00 to 11:00. It will be followed by an IMARIS workshop at the Stratenum (MCR). Georgia Golfis will outline the program at 11:00 -12:30 (Rm STR3.108) and she will train groups to work with own datasets in the afternoon. The next day, Thursday the 22nd…
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