CCI Home
The Centre for Cell Imaging (CCI) is a multi-user facility offering advanced light microscopy at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. We specialize in digital imaging of diverse biological samples and supply equipment and expertise for histology specimen analyses and high-end fluorescence microscopy.

The CCI allows preparation of biological samples in our wet-lab and has the expertise to efficiently collect high content image data. It houses a cryostat to prepare histology samples and equipment for live cell imaging in a ML-II biosafety environment. Our facility provides detailed knowledge on high-end fluorescence microscopy such as confocal microscopy, TIRF microscopy, live cell microscopy, (intravital) multiphoton microscopy, (enhanced resolution) spinning disk microscopy (Yokogawa SoRa-W1) and super resolution microscopy (by both structured illumination (SIM) and single molecule light microscopy (SMLM).
This site is an information platform for the CCI users. You can reserve equipment or get informed in the NEWS section on maintenance, changes on equipment setups and novel developments at the CCI.
Latest news
- New fees per 1st of March 2023
- Upgraded Zeiss LSM880 with 405 nm laser
- Remarkable destruction of a 100x objective
- Live cell Spinning disk microscope is operational
- Please fill in the survey you were sent by us.