Leica SPE-II

Please fill in the survey you were sent by us.
We want to know your experience at the CCI and would like to know what you need in the future to do imaging at the FVM. Please help us by filling in the survey you have been sent via the mail.
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DEMO Microscopes from 17th-22nd of May
We are testing different microscopes to replace the Leica SPE2 “workhorse” that is having frequent technical failures and is heavily overbooked nowadays. Our aim is to increase the imaging capacity at the CCI by improving the workflow to do your imaging. We sent a mail with a request to give us samples you would like…
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Leica SPE2 40x HCX oil objective defect
The 40x oil on the Leica SPE-II CLSM showed severe chromatic aberration in Z for UV fluorescence. The objective is removed from the system and its aberration is being validated on another Leica machine in the UU campus. We probably need to repair or replace it. Our objectives are very costly and vulnerable, please handle…
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Walking directions during reboot of the CCI labs
Working on the Leica SPE2: Entry: General entrance AG East 1 st floor, direct right turn to access the Confocal room O.161, knock before entry and apply to the hygiene rules that are supplied. A second person can be present in the room yet distance of 1.5 m should be kept at all times. Exit:…
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Missing 3.5 cm dish holder for SPE-2 confocal
We are missing the 3.5 cm dish holder that allows clamping a 3.5 dish onto the galvano stage of the SPE-2 confocal. Please return if you used it, other people need to use it!! It should be stored in the left cabinet behind the SPE-2 above the freezer.
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April 4: ImageJ Advanced workshop
The Bio-Imaging Utrecht community organizes an ImageJ/FIJI workshop for experienced users on Tuesday the 4th of April. Previous sessions were very well appreciated and they allow you to interact with experts in IJ coding. You can learn image analyses automation and the experts can help you find, tweak and apply the proper plugin(s) for you specific…
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Curtains around SPEII
Finally, we have curtains around the SPEII to seal the microscope space from the rest of the lab. This way we now can work normally in the wetlab again with the lights on.
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EL6000 fluorescence lamp at SPE2-confocal has returned
After a long wait over the holiday period, the repair of the EL6000 fluorescence unit from the SPE2 LEICA confocal has been completed. It can be used again for finding fluorescence using the eyepieces before imaging on the CLSM.
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Leica SPEII vibration issue
Image distortions due to vibrations on the system were reported last week. We elevated the vibration insulator silicon supports and temporarily solved the problem. New insulators will be placed during the next Leica service. Please notify us when stripe patterns appear in your images.
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Leica SPE-II shifted in room O-101
We have an old building that is leaky, a serious water spill occurred when the last storm hit the east wing of the Androclus building. The equipment (the SPEII) was not damaged due to the swift action of Martijn Moolenaar (thanks again). Apparently, the rain leaked into the building at multiple departments and it is a…
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