Hardware issues

New Preparation StereoScope Leica S6D
We borrowed a stereoscope from the Biochemistry and Cell Biology department. It is “Little Red Riding Hood” and is very useful to prepare large specimen such as Oocytes, Zebrafish and C.elegans for microscopy. Its a loan and can be taken back to B&C for teaching purposes, so we need to keep it clean and in…
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New Hard Drive to temporarily backup data, new Cy5 cube
The NIKON system has been updated again, a 2 TB hard drive is installed that allows temporary storage untill you verified dataintegrity . We will imply an automated sync-system to move data from the C:\ drive to the new F:\ drive when the system is not in use. A new cy5-cube has been placed in…
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About imaging chambers
Users need to purchase their own stocks of imaging chambers, we were lucky to obtain a set of chambers from IBIDI and they perform well on our systems. We also have good experience with WPI 3 cm Fluodishes (having a 8 mm or 23 mm imaging well), initial problems with Labtech chambered coverglas slides are solved. Low cost solutions using ATTOfluor cell chambers clamping 25 mm…
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Posts Before November 2013
dd October 2013 The A1R/Storm system is running satisfactory, we keep testing its capacities. NIS software has been updated to the latest 4.2 version with quite some improvements. Also the SPE2 has been serviced and software was updated. Please contact us if you have difficulties. dd June 2013 The NIKON A1R/STORM system is running. A1R…
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