Hardware issues

Curtains around SPEII
Finally, we have curtains around the SPEII to seal the microscope space from the rest of the lab. This way we now can work normally in the wetlab again with the lights on.
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New 63x Zeiss objective (NA 1.2) C-Apochromat for LSM880NLO
We are very grateful to the faculty to expand the Zeiss LSM880 NLO functionality with a hi NA (1.2, 63x) water immersion objective with an automated correction collar. This will allow high resolution imaging on the machine that is currently equipped with a 20x (NA 0.8) and a 32x (NA 0.85) objective. We are waiting…
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New 63x Zeiss objective (NA 1.2) C-Apochromat for LSM880NLO
We are very grateful to the faculty to expand the Zeiss LSM880 NLO functionality with a hi NA (1.2, 63x) water immersion objective with an automated correction collar. This will allow high resolution imaging on the machine that is currently equipped with a 20x (NA 0.8) and a 32x (NA 0.85) objective. We are waiting…
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New NIKON 20x Plan Achromat objective
A new 20x Plan Achromat VC objective (air) has arrived and is installed on the NIKON A1R/STORM machine. The multi immersion objective is removed from the turret but will remain available for users (ask CCI staff if you prefer to use it). The new objective is more widely applicable, has a working distance of 1 mm,…
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3D printing at the CCI
A BCN3D Sigma printer is now stationed at the CCI. It is a dual color (IDEX) 3D printer meant to manufacture (prototype) parts for the microscopes. Printing strategies and materials will be tested in the coming period.
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EL6000 fluorescence lamp at SPE2-confocal has returned
After a long wait over the holiday period, the repair of the EL6000 fluorescence unit from the SPE2 LEICA confocal has been completed. It can be used again for finding fluorescence using the eyepieces before imaging on the CLSM.
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Safety cabinet placed in corridor
A flow cabinet to safely work with GGOs is placed in the corridor of the CCI microscopy space. This cabinet is the property of the LTI (UMCU-WKZ) and will mainly be used by users of the Zeiss multiphoton. Guest use is allowed yet leave the working space clean, properly dispose of waste and make sure you do…
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Backup cryostat has been removed from the CCI
The backup Leica cryostat that had issues with the cooling unit could no longer be repaired and has been removed from the CCI. Fortunately, Rob had foreseen this and arranged finances for a new cryostat last year. So cryostat work can still continue at the CCI but tighter planning is required when large series are going…
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Leica SPEII vibration issue
Image distortions due to vibrations on the system were reported last week. We elevated the vibration insulator silicon supports and temporarily solved the problem. New insulators will be placed during the next Leica service. Please notify us when stripe patterns appear in your images.
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OMX repair of filter drawer and software update
This week the filter drawer changer that was locked has been repaired. The system was serviced and softWoRx packages on the Windows master acquisition station and the workstations have been updated.
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