Organization issues

Moving Leica SPE2 to the wetlab
This week we will move the Leica SPE2 to labspace O.101 to prepare for the maintenance on the aircos next week. We will try to minimize inconvenience for users by clustering the restructuring of CCI spaces for the new scopes that will arrive. The cryostate has been moved to the lab O.102. Watch this space…
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Imaris 8 functional at the CCI
We now have a workstation that runs Imaris 8 (full licence) at the CCI. Experienced users are welcome to use it, it can be booked in the on-line reservation system. We will be trained by Imaris application specialists in the coming months to offer best support for this excellent image analysis package.
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Reoganization of the CCI
Due to the renewal of equipment, we will reoganize the CCI drastically. First, the space that will host the multiphoton system is being prepared. This is a collaboration with the WKZ, see earlier posts about this. This system will be placed in room O122. The co-ordinator of work on this machine will initially be Nienke Vrisekoop….
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Move of Olympus/Leica system to O123A
An unfortunate accident forced the move of the Olympus/Leica system to the corridor next to our offices (Room O123A). The old room (O122) needs a good (airco) cleaning session before new equipment can be placed. The imaging system is fully serviced and functional at its new location.
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New equipment coming
We are pleased to tell about the new equipment that is ordered and on its way to the CCI. Thanks to the generous funding of the Utrecht University Board to support facilities in the Utrecht Science community, we are able to upgrade the CCI with an OMX-V4 blaze. It again is the collaboration between the Stoorvogel…
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Bioimaging Utrecht meetings in 2015
A program for meetings within the BioImaging Utrecht community is circulating (see BioImaging Utrecht_ 2015 overview to post it on your department bulletin board). We meet on Feb. 3rd (ANDOR, about Camera technology), May 19th (imaging organoids), Nov. 24th (correlative microscopy) and for ImageJ workshops (April 7th and October 13th). You are invited to send in…
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AFM moved to chemistry department
The Atomic Force microscope has been moved to the chemistry department. The group of Igmar Swart who works on the chemistry and physics of 2D materials (www) is dedicated to AFM imaging assuring frequent operation and service of the system. Contact Igmar, Joost van der Lit or Bart Gadella if you have imaging questions for this microscope.
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Reposting discontinuation of 2nd Ab supply
We have discontinued the service to provide secundary fluorescently labelled antibodies. So, please be aware that you are taking our personal stocks when you remove aliquots from our freezer. Contact us when you need a specific secondary antibody, we can supply an aliquot or help you find someone who has a suitable dye conjugate. Why? This…
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ImageJ: image analysis for beginners on Tuesday October 14th
Yet another initative of the BioImaging Utrecht platform. For all users that struggle to get started with image analysis. FIJI is an excellent freeware package to do this, experts of the Utrecht imaging community help to get you started. Here’s the flyer with registration link ImageJ beginner_2014
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Utrecht Microscopy Special Seminar Sept 23rd : Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz
Bioimaging Utrecht_special seminar (pdf)
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