Organization issues
Missing 3.5 cm dish holder for SPE-2 confocal
We are missing the 3.5 cm dish holder that allows clamping a 3.5 dish onto the galvano stage of the SPE-2 confocal. Please return if you used it, other people need to use it!! It should be stored in the left cabinet behind the SPE-2 above the freezer.
Read morePhoto/ film Scanner -Epson V750 pro (re-)installed
At the CCI office, a slide and photo scanner (link) was installed to scan negatives, overviews of histology slides and exposed ECL films. Please contact Richard if you want to use it.
Read moreBioImaging Utrecht events autumn 2017
The BioImaging Utrecht community (link) has a number of events planned that are highly recommended. Hardware Microscopy demonstrations. Demonstration of the re-scan confocal (link) at the UMCU was only last week (contact Corlinda if you want to know how good it was). Additional product demonstrations are planned: 29th of September: CeniBra / Yokogawa representatives will…
Read moreBioImaging Utrecht Spring meeting on 3D imaging- Tuesday 16th May at 3-5 pm.
The theme of the upcoming spring meeting of the BioImaging Utrecht society is: time resolved 3D imaging of large samples. Please find the announcement poster (here) to print and display. Presentations on using light sheet microscopy in brain development and introducing Anne Rios’ work on imaging the 3D architecture of developing breast cancers. Place: David…
Read moreCurtains around SPEII
Finally, we have curtains around the SPEII to seal the microscope space from the rest of the lab. This way we now can work normally in the wetlab again with the lights on.
Read moreMicrofluidic/Organ-on-a-Chip platform UU
Roos Masereeuw (Dept Farmacy) and Bart Gadella (Fac Vet Med) took the initiative to arrange a kick-off meeting for a consortium within the UU community to combine expertise on microfluidic device fabrication and developments in (combined) organ(s) on a chip. The FVM dean, Wouter Dhert (who represents the joint life sciences faculties) gave a highly…
Read moreBioImaging Utrecht Fall Meeting 2016: Tuesday 29th of November
The BioImaging community in Utrecht has its quarterly meeting on Tuesday November the 29th. Gerhard Blab will talk about the possibilities and mistakes in image analysis anddifferent microscope manufacturers will talk about and demo small microscopes in the Stratenum Building. At the end, the Imaging contest winners will be announced. <flyer> Date: November 29th 2016…
Read moreSafety cabinet placed in corridor
A flow cabinet to safely work with GGOs is placed in the corridor of the CCI microscopy space. This cabinet is the property of the LTI (UMCU-WKZ) and will mainly be used by users of the Zeiss multiphoton. Guest use is allowed yet leave the working space clean, properly dispose of waste and make sure you do…
Read moreBackup cryostat has been removed from the CCI
The backup Leica cryostat that had issues with the cooling unit could no longer be repaired and has been removed from the CCI. Fortunately, Rob had foreseen this and arranged finances for a new cryostat last year. So cryostat work can still continue at the CCI but tighter planning is required when large series are going…
Read moreNetstorage problem
We are experiencing problems with our netstorage. The central storage is currently not available so you will not be able to upload or download data. The data are secured and will be available again soon. Watch this blog for updates.
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