Hardware issues

Lens heater on NIKON A1R/STORM again failing
Unfortunately, the TOKAI hit lens heater is broken again. We are in contact with the Japanese supplier but it may take some time for it to be repaired (it needs to be sent to Japan). We have imaged live cells without the heater overnight without any problems, yet the temperature at the lens spot will…
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Objective heater Nikon is replaced
The TOKAI hit objective heater is complete again. Be careful when changing objectives when the velcro is around it. The connecting wires can be dislodged from the connectors by these fast movements. Also, the aluminium inner surface is fragile be carefull when you wrap te velcro around an objective.
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TOKAI Hit Objective Heater NIKON defect
The objective heater for live cell imaging on the NIKON A1R-STORM system is broken. The thermocouple is being replaced. For short term time lapse (and vibration insensitive imaging) you can use the hair dryer to warm the lower part of the microscope.
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Missing 3.5 cm dish holder for SPE-2 confocal
We are missing the 3.5 cm dish holder that allows clamping a 3.5 dish onto the galvano stage of the SPE-2 confocal. Please return if you used it, other people need to use it!! It should be stored in the left cabinet behind the SPE-2 above the freezer.
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Photo/ film Scanner -Epson V750 pro (re-)installed
At the CCI office, a slide and photo scanner (link) was installed to scan negatives, overviews of histology slides and exposed ECL films. Please contact Richard if you want to use it.
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5x plan-apochromat and 96 well PECON universal plate adapter
We obtained a 5x Plan ApoChromat lens for the Zeiss NLO-LSM880 together with a universal stage adapter from PECON (KM) that fits 85.5x 127.75 mm culture plates (i.e. 6, 12,24,48,96,384 well culture plates). Automated live cell multiwell analyses at 37 degrees C will be possbile but without CO2 and humidity control for now. The old slider…
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NIKON TOKAI hit adapter screws replaced by magnets
The attachment of the different adapters for the TOKAI hit heating chamber on the A1R NIKON / STORM microscope has been changed. Magnets have been glued onto the MCL-piezo stepper adapter to snap sample holders by pairing magnets. Place a sample holder and carefully put the supplied separate 12 mm diameter plate magnets over the front-left…
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Service OMX – replacing sCMOS camera
On Tuesday 28th of February to Wednesday the 1st of March the OMX will be unavailable. A sCMOS PCO camera will be replaced and the system will be fully re-aligned.
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OMX service has been performed, GUI bug workaround
The OMX has been serviced and new OTFs have been made. We recommend using these. A strange bug in the acquisition software causes the 405 nm laser line (1st channel) to present wrong values, i.e. intensity % of the laser in the drop-down list do not represent the actual values. The desktop background picture of…
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New 63x with motorized correction collar on the ZeissLSM880 is working within ZEN
Our new 63x lens (NA 1.2) is working from within ZEN black. A slider becomes available when you choose the objective that allows adjusting the depth correction of the lens. It is very nice to get a better psf at the depth of your most interesting feature. Good when you plan to deconvolve images post…
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