Zeiss LSM 880 NLO
In collaboration with the UMCU-LTI (dr. Nienke Vrisekoop, dr. Kiki Tesselaar and prof. dr. Leo Koenderman), a Zeiss multiphoton LSM880 NLO is placed at the CCI to allow in vivo and deep tisssue imaging at the CCI.
A preview of the system is here, the airy scan is not included. An elaborate handout is available ( lsm-880 manual ). A quickstart turorial is available on the desktop.

Recommended ZEN black video tutorials (link, short ~3 min videos per topic) from dr. Alyona Minina, Tim Krurz (link, 49 min relatively old but coverage of many ZEN features) and Zeiss (link 22 mins).
Freeware version of ZEN software can read/view and do simple adjustement tasks (link, you need to register at Zeiss). Imagej/FIJI reads .czi files perfectly well if you want to circumvent this.