Zeiss LSM880 NLO Multiphoton

Walking directions during reboot of the CCI labs
Working on the Leica SPE2: Entry: General entrance AG East 1 st floor, direct right turn to access the Confocal room O.161, knock before entry and apply to the hygiene rules that are supplied. A second person can be present in the room yet distance of 1.5 m should be kept at all times. Exit:…
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Centre for Cell Imaging safety instructions during the restart in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis
The CCI is re-opening for microscopy from the 19th of May 2020. We hope everybody is safe at home trying to get a work routine partly at home and for essential work in the lab. Great initiatives to learn microscopy related (and unrelated) courses are collected here (https://www.rms.org.uk) and on ibiology or MOOCs, this may…
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5x plan-apochromat and 96 well PECON universal plate adapter
We obtained a 5x Plan ApoChromat lens for the Zeiss NLO-LSM880 together with a universal stage adapter from PECON (KM) that fits 85.5x 127.75 mm culture plates (i.e. 6, 12,24,48,96,384 well culture plates). Automated live cell multiwell analyses at 37 degrees C will be possbile but without CO2 and humidity control for now. The old slider…
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April 4: ImageJ Advanced workshop
The Bio-Imaging Utrecht community organizes an ImageJ/FIJI workshop for experienced users on Tuesday the 4th of April. Previous sessions were very well appreciated and they allow you to interact with experts in IJ coding. You can learn image analyses automation and the experts can help you find, tweak and apply the proper plugin(s) for you specific…
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New 63x with motorized correction collar on the ZeissLSM880 is working within ZEN
Our new 63x lens (NA 1.2) is working from within ZEN black. A slider becomes available when you choose the objective that allows adjusting the depth correction of the lens. It is very nice to get a better psf at the depth of your most interesting feature. Good when you plan to deconvolve images post…
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New 63x Zeiss objective (NA 1.2) C-Apochromat for LSM880NLO
We are very grateful to the faculty to expand the Zeiss LSM880 NLO functionality with a hi NA (1.2, 63x) water immersion objective with an automated correction collar. This will allow high resolution imaging on the machine that is currently equipped with a 20x (NA 0.8) and a 32x (NA 0.85) objective. We are waiting…
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New 63x Zeiss objective (NA 1.2) C-Apochromat for LSM880NLO
We are very grateful to the faculty to expand the Zeiss LSM880 NLO functionality with a hi NA (1.2, 63x) water immersion objective with an automated correction collar. This will allow high resolution imaging on the machine that is currently equipped with a 20x (NA 0.8) and a 32x (NA 0.85) objective. We are waiting…
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Zeiss LSM880 NLO multiphoton microscope installed
The Zeiss LSM880 NLO has been installed. We will be instructed to use it in the coming week and the machine performance will be evaluated afterwards. The multiphoton imaging machine is excellently suited to perform microscopy on thick samples. When you want to do in vivo mouse imaging on the machine, please contact dr. Nienke Vrisekoop (N.Vrisekoop@umcutrecht.nl) at the…
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Reoganization of the CCI
Due to the renewal of equipment, we will reoganize the CCI drastically. First, the space that will host the multiphoton system is being prepared. This is a collaboration with the WKZ, see earlier posts about this. This system will be placed in room O122. The co-ordinator of work on this machine will initially be Nienke Vrisekoop….
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Renewal of the Multiphoton System
Regrettably, the Biorad Multiphoton system is no longer in service. We are going to move the femtosecond Tsunami laser to the Biology Department where Corette Wieringa will be building it into an existing photomanipulation system to give it yet another functional use. We are negotiating with Nienke Vrisekoop, Kikki Tesselaar and Leo Koenderman from the UMCU…
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