Olympus-Leica wide field system

Walking directions during reboot of the CCI labs
Working on the Leica SPE2: Entry: General entrance AG East 1 st floor, direct right turn to access the Confocal room O.161, knock before entry and apply to the hygiene rules that are supplied. A second person can be present in the room yet distance of 1.5 m should be kept at all times. Exit:…
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Centre for Cell Imaging safety instructions during the restart in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis
The CCI is re-opening for microscopy from the 19th of May 2020. We hope everybody is safe at home trying to get a work routine partly at home and for essential work in the lab. Great initiatives to learn microscopy related (and unrelated) courses are collected here (https://www.rms.org.uk) and on ibiology or MOOCs, this may…
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April 4: ImageJ Advanced workshop
The Bio-Imaging Utrecht community organizes an ImageJ/FIJI workshop for experienced users on Tuesday the 4th of April. Previous sessions were very well appreciated and they allow you to interact with experts in IJ coding. You can learn image analyses automation and the experts can help you find, tweak and apply the proper plugin(s) for you specific…
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DATA storage testing
A StorSimple backup system has been implemented by ITS. We have tested it for a couple of months and it seems to perform well. The extra network drive is available on all imaging machines (except for the Zeiss NLO system, that will be connected to the net in the coming weeks) and can be found…
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Reoganization of the CCI
Due to the renewal of equipment, we will reoganize the CCI drastically. First, the space that will host the multiphoton system is being prepared. This is a collaboration with the WKZ, see earlier posts about this. This system will be placed in room O122. The co-ordinator of work on this machine will initially be Nienke Vrisekoop….
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Move of Olympus/Leica system to O123A
An unfortunate accident forced the move of the Olympus/Leica system to the corridor next to our offices (Room O123A). The old room (O122) needs a good (airco) cleaning session before new equipment can be placed. The imaging system is fully serviced and functional at its new location.
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Upgrade Olympus/Leica microscope
The Leica color camera on the Olympus microscope setup has been upgraded due to great efforts of Rob and financial support of the IRAS, we are very grateful for this improvement of the CCI. One of the new features is live stitching. While moving the xy-table during image acquisition, the LAS software will choose appropriate…
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Clear DATA from the Olympus system
Please be aware that Rob is going to clean the PC in the com ing week to prepare for innovation on the scope. So remove your data from the system and back them up properly.
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Olympus/Leica now equipped to measure Cy5 like fluorescence
The Olympus system has got a new filtercube to perform fluorescence in the far red region, such as Cy5 or Alexa647. Please contact Rob for details.
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