New automated diascopic shutter for DIC imaging on the A1R-setup
We bought a new shutter to rapidly block halogen light in time recordings using the EM-CCD camera of the NIKON imaging station. Previously, intervals between fluorescent observation and DIC recording required warming up the halogen lamp for at least 4 seconds. Now the light path is rapidly switchable in milliseconds and is incorporated into the…
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Update STORM software
New STORM analyses software to perform peak detection by multifitting procedure (described in: Babcock et al 2012 Opt Nanoscopy 1:6 ) is now implemented on our machines (workstation and acquisition PC).
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New DIC optics in STORM system for 100x and 60x oil objectives
Today, NIKON replaced the DIC NII-slider for 100x for the DIC-R variant, it solves the issue of spherical aberration caused by the DIC-II which was obvious in calibration bead imaging. The condensor DIC-R module works fine for the 60x lens with DIC NII slider in place.
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Update NIKON STORM software
The STORM module of the NIKON A1R/STORM system has been updated. Now 3D color chromatic aberration correction is included in the module and post acquisition filtering of peak minima and maxima has been implemented. The workstation software is upgraded as well.
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JOBS training
We had a training session at NIKON to work with the wizard creator ‘JOBS’ within the NIS software. It is aimed to easily guide people through an imaging session. Especially multiwell plate definition, random position imaging within wells, autofocus, different image capture for different wells can be predefined and structured. Of course, users still need to…
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Bioimaging Utrecht Winter meeting 21 01 2014
Tuesday (21st of January), the BioImaging Utrecht community will have an open meeting on nanoscopy. Join to hear the latest on superresolution. Flyer can be obtained here. An update of the A1R software and the STORM software has been performed, functionally the 4.2 NIS version is identical (bugfixes) but the STORM module has improved possibilities for…
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New Hard Drive to temporarily backup data, new Cy5 cube
The NIKON system has been updated again, a 2 TB hard drive is installed that allows temporary storage untill you verified dataintegrity . We will imply an automated sync-system to move data from the C:\ drive to the new F:\ drive when the system is not in use. A new cy5-cube has been placed in…
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About imaging chambers
Users need to purchase their own stocks of imaging chambers, we were lucky to obtain a set of chambers from IBIDI and they perform well on our systems. We also have good experience with WPI 3 cm Fluodishes (having a 8 mm or 23 mm imaging well), initial problems with Labtech chambered coverglas slides are solved. Low cost solutions using ATTOfluor cell chambers clamping 25 mm…
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Posts Before November 2013
dd October 2013 The A1R/Storm system is running satisfactory, we keep testing its capacities. NIS software has been updated to the latest 4.2 version with quite some improvements. Also the SPE2 has been serviced and software was updated. Please contact us if you have difficulties. dd June 2013 The NIKON A1R/STORM system is running. A1R…
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