Update NIS elements and STORM module
Today, the NIS elements software on the NIKON A1R/STORM system has been updated to the newest version for the NIS suite (4.5) and the STORM module (4.1). In STORM, Z stacking features, fiducial marker integration and sequential recordings on identical positions can be performed, potentially on regions in live cells. In addtition, the 405 laser…
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New gastank storage in the corridor
The storage for gas tanks (CO2, N2) in the CCI corridor has been replaced and moved to make space for the flow cabinet that will be positionned in the recess behind it. Beware that the corridor has become more shallow because of the move.
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The TIRF module experienced a problem yesterday and was repaired this morning. All is functional again. The NIDAQ triggering of the EM-CCD camera no longer needs manual switching of BNC connectors, NIKON made a connector box that allows automated switching from within NIS elements. So triggering via the lasers (LU4) or wide field illumination (SpectraX)…
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DATA storage testing
A StorSimple backup system has been implemented by ITS. We have tested it for a couple of months and it seems to perform well. The extra network drive is available on all imaging machines (except for the Zeiss NLO system, that will be connected to the net in the coming weeks) and can be found…
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New screws for the TOKAI HIT chamber holder
The screws of the Tokai hit chamber holder did not tighten well anymore. Focus shifts occurred when accurate imaging was required on live cells. It was already tedious to unscrew and rescrew the adapters for the different chambers and this has only become more cumbersome, unfortunately. We need to fasten the new screws and tighten…
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Update NIS elements (4.4) and STORM module
The NIKON A1R/STORM microscope has been updated with a new version of NIS elements (4.4.0). It has been tested and approved by NIKON staff in our lab. The STORM module is updated as well but a large update that will further improve functionality is expected in October.
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Triggered Acquisition using the LED SpectraX lamps on NIKON is functional
Nikon has reinstalled the wiring for the Lumencor SpectraX, and triggering via NIS elements acquisition software is now possible. It allows the 6 defined LEDs to be individualy tweaked for intensity in a single acquisition procedure. Fast, accurate and sensitive imaging is possible in wide field modus using the EM-CCD camera.
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NIKON Spectra-X Hick-up
We are experiencing difficulties with the LED illumination of wide field imaging module on the NIKON STORM system. Please contact CCI staff when you plan to use the wide field imaging on this system
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Spectra X illumination has been installed on the NIKON
The wide field LED illumination source (SPECTRA X from lumencor) has been installed on the STORM system. It allows flexible fast multicolor imaging without filter switching in the wide field mode (for now separately defined in the ND acquisition). In the coming weeks triggering via the EM-CCD camera will be possible to allow multicolor imaging even…
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New culture dish holder Nikon microscope
We recieved the replacement of an insert for the labtech/object glass holder from Tokai Hit. Ask staff for details.
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