Leica SPE-II

DATA storage testing
A StorSimple backup system has been implemented by ITS. We have tested it for a couple of months and it seems to perform well. The extra network drive is available on all imaging machines (except for the Zeiss NLO system, that will be connected to the net in the coming weeks) and can be found…
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Leica SPE-II 40x Objective
The new 40x objective (HC PL APO CS2 NA1.3, oil immersion) has been equipped with the correct condenser prisms some time ago, but it was not mentioned here. So the DIC and fluorescence is fully upgraded on the machine. Please realize the greater sensitivity of the new objective. Intensity measurements acquired before June with the 40x…
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SPE-II DIC slider bug and software crash is repaired
A Leica service engineer has visited us and repaired the DIC slider bug and updated driver software. Keep us posted when bugs appear.
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SPEII DIC slider hick-up
We experience a problem with the DIC slider in the SPE-II microscope. Leica has been contacted and will be repairing it in the coming days.
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The Leica SPE2 has been moved to the wetlab
We have setup the SPE2 confocal to room O.101 as was announced before. The system is functional again and the PC software has been updated. We will evaluate whether it has solved the many problems we face lately with the performance of the system.
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Moving Leica SPE2 to the wetlab
This week we will move the Leica SPE2 to labspace O.101 to prepare for the maintenance on the aircos next week. We will try to minimize inconvenience for users by clustering the restructuring of CCI spaces for the new scopes that will arrive. The cryostate has been moved to the lab O.102. Watch this space…
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Reoganization of the CCI
Due to the renewal of equipment, we will reoganize the CCI drastically. First, the space that will host the multiphoton system is being prepared. This is a collaboration with the WKZ, see earlier posts about this. This system will be placed in room O122. The co-ordinator of work on this machine will initially be Nienke Vrisekoop….
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New Leica 40x oil immersion objective
A new objective for the SPE2 system has arrived (HC PL APO CS2 NA1.3, oil immersion). It is installed but not fully funtional yet, fluorescence transmission is way better than the old 40x. However, optimal DIC imaging with this objective is not possible yet, we are waiting for the correct condensor prism for this.
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Frequent crashing LEICA SPEII
The LEICA SPEII system has serious PC issues with regular crashes (system freeze while scanning, panel box loss and the never ending story on the 561 nm laser that starts ever so slowly) . Make sure you save often and report to us when it happens. We are in the process of replacing the PC,…
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Update Leica handout
Esther has updated the Leica handout for software and hardware changes in the last year, please find the new version on the equipment page or here
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