Bioimaging Utrecht

BioImaging Utrecht spring meeting and demo systems
On Tuesday May15th from 15:00-17:00 lectures by Lukas Kapitein and Nalan Liv will be given on Light Sheet Microscopy (Sibarita style) and Correlative live-cell and 3D electron microscopy of sub cellular membrane compartments respectively. Location: HUBRECHT Auditorium In addition, microscopy demos are organized. A Luxendo inVi-SPIM lightsheet microscope will be at the Hubrecht from the…
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BioImaging Winter meeting and Imaris Workshop
BioImaging Utrecht will have a winter meeting on Wednesday 21st of February from 10:00 to 11:00. It will be followed by an IMARIS workshop at the Stratenum (MCR). Georgia Golfis will outline the program at 11:00 -12:30 (Rm STR3.108) and she will train groups to work with own datasets in the afternoon. The next day, Thursday the 22nd…
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BioImaging Utrecht events autumn 2017
The BioImaging Utrecht community (link) has a number of events planned that are highly recommended. Hardware Microscopy demonstrations. Demonstration of the re-scan confocal (link) at the UMCU was only last week (contact Corlinda if you want to know how good it was). Additional product demonstrations are planned: 29th of September: CeniBra / Yokogawa representatives will…
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BioImaging Utrecht Spring meeting on 3D imaging- Tuesday 16th May at 3-5 pm.
The theme of the upcoming spring meeting of the BioImaging Utrecht society is: time resolved 3D imaging of large samples. Please find the announcement poster (here) to print and display. Presentations on using light sheet microscopy in brain development and introducing Anne Rios’ work on imaging the 3D architecture of developing breast cancers. Place: David…
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April 4: ImageJ Advanced workshop
The Bio-Imaging Utrecht community organizes an ImageJ/FIJI workshop for experienced users on Tuesday the 4th of April. Previous sessions were very well appreciated and they allow you to interact with experts in IJ coding. You can learn image analyses automation and the experts can help you find, tweak and apply the proper plugin(s) for you specific…
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BioImaging Utrecht Fall Meeting 2016: Tuesday 29th of November
The BioImaging community in Utrecht has its quarterly meeting on Tuesday November the 29th. Gerhard Blab will talk about the possibilities and mistakes in image analysis anddifferent microscope manufacturers will talk about and demo small microscopes in the Stratenum Building. At the end, the Imaging contest winners will be announced. <flyer> Date: November 29th 2016…
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Thursday October 27th: Opening STED imaging facility at the BIC
A minisymposium is organized to celebrate the opening of a STED imaging facility at the Biology Imaging Center (BIC) of the Department of Biology at the Utrecht University. Great speakers will highlight the use of this super resolution microscopic technique in their research lines from 14:00 onwards and the official opening will start at 16:15….
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Thursday October 27th: Opening STED imaging facility at the BIC
A minisymposium is organized to celebrate the opening of a STED imaging facility at the Biology Imaging Center (BIC) of the Department of Biology at the Utrecht University. Great speakers will highlight the use of this super resolution microscopic technique in their research lines from 14:00 onwards and the official opening will start at 16:15….
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BioImaging Utrecht Spring meeting May 24
On Tuesday May 24 the next meetup with the BioImaging Utrecht community is planned from 15:00 to 17:00 h. Three talks on INTRAVITAL IMAGING are scheduled. Please stick the notification (PDF) into your agenda and let others know. Location: UMC Stratenum Building – Vondelzaal (Rm 3.108)
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BioImaging meeting Tuesday November 24
The BioImaging Utrecht autumn meeting is announced to be at Tuesday the 24th of November and will be held in the UMC Stratenum building (Rm 3.108) from 15-17 hrs. Learn about cryoSEM, CLEM and label free microscopy by ptychography (PDF). In addition, the winners of the image contest 2015 will be announced. You can still…
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