Bioimaging Utrecht
BioImaging Utrecht spring meeting and demo systems
On Tuesday May15th from 15:00-17:00 lectures by Lukas Kapitein and Nalan Liv will be given on Light Sheet Microscopy (Sibarita style) and Correlative live-cell and 3D electron microscopy of sub cellular membrane compartments respectively.
Location: HUBRECHT Auditorium
In addition, microscopy demos are organized. A Luxendo inVi-SPIM lightsheet microscope will be at the Hubrecht from the 15th to the 25th of May. Contact Anko de Graaff if you want to try the machine with your samples ( .
A second system that will be demonstrated is the GEH Deltavision Ultra, it will be in the UMCU CMC (H02.1.22 -Stratenum ) from 14th to the 17th of May. Contact, Allan Hemmingsen of GEH ( to try this system.