CCI – Centre for Cell Imaging

Bioimaging Utrecht

BioImaging Utrecht events autumn 2017

The BioImaging Utrecht  community (link) has a number of events planned that are highly recommended.

Hardware Microscopy demonstrations.

Demonstration of the re-scan confocal (link) at the UMCU was only last week (contact Corlinda if you want to know how good it was). Additional product demonstrations are planned:

29th of September:
CeniBra / Yokogawa representatives will give talks on a spinning disk desktop machine, the CQ1 (link) that should be well suited to image and analyse organoid containing volumes.

4th of October
Leica will host lectures (link) on their high end imaging systems on the 4th of October (especially their new DMi8S TIRF live imaging setup) – Lukas Kapitein and Philip Tinnefeld will lecture on TIRF use in their labs, no doubt spectacular work will be shown. Hands-on workshops will continue the next day.

The Utrecht Image Contest (link)

This year Utrecht microscopists are again invited to send in their most beautiful and/or artistic image in jpg format to compete for the prestigious title of the best Utrecht Microscopy Image in the Electron Microscopy or Fluorescence microscopy categories. In addition, a printout by pArt of Science (link) and a prize of 200 Euro (provided by Carl Zeiss) can be won. Please supply image with microscope information and a brief scientific description to :

ImageJ/FIJI workshop (BioImaging Utrecht_ImageJ beginners 2017)

At this workshop, image analyses experts in the Utrecht imaging community will train you to learn using ImageJ/FIJI and give you an idea how to start analyzing (microscopy) images in general. Highly recommended for microscopists. Good to realize that image analyses will usually make your image acquisition better and will help you focus on the actual measurement of imaging process. Registration deadline October 1st (ImageJ_beginners_registration form 2017).